Contact us

  • Come along and visit us, you are always welcome, and there is free coffee!

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our products or services, are looking for any specific part or just have a general question, you are more than welcome to come and visit us at the address listed below.

115 Garfield Road
Claremont, 7708
Cape Town

Take the Kenilworth off ramp from the M5. Turn towards Kenilworth Center, drive past Access Park. At the Engen Service Station traffic lights opposite Kenilworth Center, turn right into Garfield Road, turn immediately right into Warrington Road, and then immediately left into Garfield Road again (the service road). You will find us approx 80 meters further up on the right hand side.

Contact Numbers:

Brilliant Mechanical Workshop
Phone: 021 671 2274
Fax: 086 459 4155

e-mail us @

Opening Hours:

Brilliant Mechanical Workshop:
Monday to Friday - 08:00 to 17:00

Saturdays & Sundays - Closed





Important Notice

Brilliant Mechnical Workshop is in no way affiliated to, or part of BMW AG or any of its dealer networks. All images, text or any other use or depiction of the term BMW is for reference purposes only.



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